Working With Health Plans

Health care providers play a critical role in helping patients access care through their health plans.

To assist your patients in getting the appropriate care to treat their psoriasis and/or psoriatic arthritis, here’s a list of free NPF resources to help you work with health insurance companies.

Icon illustration of two chat bubbles.

Patient Navigation Center

Personalized and ongoing support through each step of the appeals process.

Icon illustration of an e-kit.

Sample Letters

Examples of letters sent from health care providers and patients to health insurance companies.

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Psoriasis Treatment Guidelines

NPF collaborated with the American Academy of Dermatology to update a comprehensive set of treatment guidelines so that providers are armed with the most current treatment guidance.

Icon illustration of a doctor.

Psoriatic Arthritis Treatment Guideline

NPF worked with the American College of Rheumatology to update the guidance for the treatment and management of psoriatic arthritis.

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Copay Accumulator Adjustment Programs Resource

If you are participating in a copay accumulator adjustment program, there are certain issues to be aware of. Request your free resource to learn more about this new insurance trend.

Advocate With NPF

NPF works closely with several organization such as the American Academy of Dermatology, the American College of Rheumatology, and the Coalition of State Rheumatology Organizations on patient access and practice issues, including step therapy, out-of-pocket costs, narrow networks, provider tiering, reimbursement and coding. Contribute your experience and expertise to our advocacy efforts.

Contribute your experience and expertise to our advocacy efforts.

Stay in the Know

Expert tips, can’t-miss events, and the latest news, straight to your inbox.

National Health Council Standards of ExcellenceCharity Navigator

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The National Psoriasis Foundation is a qualified 501(c)(3) EIN 93-0571472.

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