
June 27, 2023

What You Eat Matters

Trying to follow an anti-inflammatory diet? Not sure what to eat? Join us as we discuss what types or combinations of foods are best to eat and when, what to look for on food labels, how much sugar and fiber intake is appropriate, and more with registered dietitian and wellness coach, Brittany Link from Advice for Eating in Houston, TX.

Download the chicken piccata recipe mentioned in the episode.

Brittany Link, MSW, RD, LD

Brittany Link, MSW, RD, LD
Advice for Eating, LLC

As with all health issues including nutrition related needs, the NPF recommends that you check with your health care provider or a certified dietitian before changing your diet or adding supplements to your diet.

This Psound Bytes™ episode is provided with support from Bristol Myers Squibb, Janssen, and UCB.

Healthy Eating Guide

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