To earn the National Psoriasis Foundation Seal of Recognition, a manufacturer provides an over-the-counter product that has been created or is intended to be non-irritating and safe for people with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis and/or individuals living with severe sensitive skin or joint mobility limitations.
How does it work?
Product categories include:
Personal & Cosmetic Care:
These products that have been created or are intended to be non-irritating and safe for people with psoriasis psoriatic arthritis and/or individuals living with severe sensitive skin or joint mobility limitations. These products are understood to be, potentially, in continuous contact with the skin. Several industry standard clinical test protocols exist to demonstrate safety and tolerability.
To earn the Seal of Recognition, manufacturers may submit the following, or industry equivalent, for consideration:
RIPT/HRPIT (Repeat Insult Patch Test / Human Repeat Insult Patch Test) standard method used to determine irritation and allergic inflammation (sensitization) results from a third party (minimum of 20 subjects). ORCIT (Cumulative Irritation Test), an accepted method used to evaluate the skin irritation potential and safety of individual ingredients and formulas of leave-on skin care and cosmetic compounds. (minimum of 20 subjects)
Toxicological or Product Safety Assessment Report, results with summary demonstrate that ingredients of product are safe and do no harm under normal and reasonable use.
Ingredients list by percentage
For more information regarding Testing Requirements contact: Jennifer Fagerstrom at
Household Products:
Products that have been created or are intended to be non-irritating and safe for people with psoriasis psoriatic arthritis and, or individuals living with severe sensitive skin or joint mobility limitations. These products may not be in continuous contact with skin, examples include laundry and dishwashing detergent, cleaners and other household products designed with severely sensitive skin in mind.
To earn the Seal of Recognition, manufacturers must submit testing or industry standard testing appropriate for the type of product for consideration.
For more information regarding Testing Requirements contact: Jennifer Fagerstrom at
Products that have been created or are intended to be non-irritating and safe for people with psoriasis psoriatic arthritis and, or individuals living with severe sensitive skin or joint mobility limitations. Not limited to bed sheets, swimwear, or other fabric designed to be non-irritating for those managing psoriasis. or severely sensitive skin.
To earn the Seal of Recognition, manufacturers may submit the following or industry equivalent for consideration:
STANDARD 100 BY OEKO-TEK® Certification or Equivalent Acknowledgement/Certification that fabric has been tested and passed for harmful substances.
For more information regarding Testing Requirements contact: Jennifer Fagerstrom at
Pain & Mobility:
These products are proven to ease discomfort and help make every day activities easier for those experiencing psoriatic arthritis symptoms and join mobility limitations. There are a multitude of products providing solutions for everyday tasks that could improve the lives of those with PsA. Testing requirements will vary based on industry standards for the product type.
If your company has a solution for mobility or pain from psoriatic arthritis, please reach out to Jennifer Fagerstrom at
Manufacturers interested in submitting their product(s) for the NPF Seal of Recognition must go through an application, evaluation, and approval process, which includes submitting independently tested scientific data demonstrating the product does not irritate skin and or joints burdened with psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, sensitive skin, or joint mobility limitations.
The manufacturer must submit testing results that:
Provide scientific data showing that its product sufficiently and safely aids in the management of psoriatic disease or sensitive skin, which may include hydrating the skin, reducing redness or itch, managing plaques, managing joint pain, among other symptoms.
Provide test results that the product is non-toxic and does no harm to the those with psoriatic disease and, or individuals living with sensitive to severely sensitive skin.
Product Review:
Submit completed application with test results demonstrating non-irritation, non-sensitization, and product safety/non-toxic.
The product(s) are then independently reviewed by a panel of Board-Certified dermatology and rheumatology doctors. Products that pass this review are eligible to receive the Seal of Recognition.
Manufacturers interested in applying for the Seal of Recognition, contact Jennifer Fagerstrom at
The National Psoriasis Foundation Seal of Recognition does not guarantee that individuals will not experience adverse reactions after using a labeled product. All individuals with psoriasis should consult with a physician to confirm that using any recognized product will not interfere with other prescribed medications. Under no circumstances should the National Psoriasis Foundation Seal of Recognition be considered a replacement for advice from their healthcare professional.
View Our Seal of Recognition Product Directory
See the full list of NPF reviewed over-the-counter products specially designed to be safe for your psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis.
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