Psoriasis on the Face

50 percent of people with psoriasis experience psoriasis on their face

Facial psoriasis typically occurs on the eyebrows, the skin between the nose and upper lip, the upper forehead and the hairline.

(Canpolat, Cemil, Eskioğlu, & Akis, 2008)

Did You Know?

Psoriasis on the face is considered a high-impact site, which can have an increased negative impact on quality of life, regardless of the total area affected by psoriasis.

In the Ears

Psoriasis can occur around the ear, behind the ear, and in the ear canal. Symptoms include itch, redness/discoloration, and scaling. Scaling can build up and block the ear canal which may lead to temporary hearing loss. Do not put objects (including your fingers) into your ear canal to avoid pushing scales further into the ear. If your ear canal becomes blocked, you should see an ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialist.

In and Around the Mouth

In rare cases, psoriasis can affect the mouth (lips, gums, tongue, and cheek). Symptoms in the mouth include redness, burning, bleeding, and difficulty chewing and swallowing food. If you experience symptoms in your mouth, visit your dentist and dermatologist.

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Around the Eyes

Psoriasis around the eyes is extremely rare but can cause redness/discoloration, dryness, and discomfort and may impair your vision. If you have psoriasis around your eyes, consult with a dermatologist and an ophthalmologist (a doctor who specializes in treating eye diseases).

It is very important to follow your provider’s instructions on how to apply topical treatments around the eye. Overusing certain topicals around the eye may increase the risk of cataracts and glaucoma.


Psoriasis on and around the face should be treated carefully as the skin here is very sensitive. Discuss with your health care provider a treatment that may be best for you. Possible treatment options include topicals, phototherapy, oral, and biological treatments. Always follow your provider's instructions when applying medication or using a treatment to avoid skin thinning or other side effects.

Your provider may also recommend an over-the-counter (OTC) cleanser or moisturizer as part of your treatment plan. If you are looking for certain OTC products to try, check out the National Psoriasis Foundation’s Seal of Recognition program. These products have been created or are intended to be non-irritating and safe for people with psoriasis.

Skin Care E-Kit

Learn more about facial psoriasis and developing a healthy skin care routine.

Request your free e-kit today

Last updated on 3/10/2025 by the National Psoriasis Foundation.


Canpolat F, Cemil BC, Eskioğlu F, Akis HK. Is facial involvement a sign of severe psoriasis? Eur J Dermatol. 2008;18(2):169-171. doi:10.1684/ejd.2008.0363

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