Live All the Days of Your Life
Don't let psoriatic disease take away from the quality of the life you deserve.
Related Diseases and Conditions
Psoriatic disease has some unwelcome friends (called comorbidities). But with the right treatment, you can reduce your risk of developing these conditions and thrive through all the years of your life.
Cardiovascular Disease
It’s important to screen for cardiovascular disease when you experience psoriasis. The inflammation that is showing on your skin may also be impacting your heart, putting you at a higher risk for high blood pressure, heart attack and stroke. Treatment of your psoriatic disease can lessen the likelihood of developing these comorbidities.
Listen to a special episode of our podcast, Psound Bytes™ for more insights on psoriatic disease and cardiovascular health.
Metabolic Syndrome
The systemic inflammation of psoriatic disease can result in changes to adipose tissues, contributing to higher rates of diabetes and obesity. You can decrease these risks with proper treatment of your psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis.
Learn more in our Advance Online article about the heightened risk of type 2 diabetes for those with psoriatic arthritis.
Mental Health
Your mind and body are inextricably linked. The inflammation of psoriatic disease contributes to higher rates of depression and anxiety than for those who do not experience psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis. Once again, there is good news. Proper disease treatment can help reduce the chances of developing major depression or anxiety.
Learn more about the emotional side of psoriatic disease in this episode of our Psound Bytes™ podcast.

Psoriatic Arthritis
Diagnosing psoriatic arthritis can be difficult, but screening is as easy as answering these five questions. About 1 in 3 people with psoriasis will develop psoriatic arthritis, so it’s important to have your doctor screen you annually. By diagnosing the disease early, you increase your chances of avoiding irreversible joint damage.
Learn more about the signs and symptoms of psoriatic arthritis.

Systemic Inflammation

Systemic Inflammation
The systemic inflammation of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis contributes to the development of comorbidities. These unwelcome friends of psoriatic disease, like cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and depression, can result in the loss of years from your life. You don’t deserve to lose even a day, so proper disease treatment is essential in reducing your risk of these comorbid foes.
You may have noticed a theme. Treatment is important. Sure, it can clear your skin and have you feeling better, but more importantly, the right psoriatic disease treatment can reduce the systemic inflammation that leads to these unwelcome comorbidities. You aren’t just treating your skin. You are treating your whole body.
Phototherapy involves exposing the skin to ultraviolet light. It can reduce the appearance and inflammation of psoriasis on the skin.
Topical Treatments
Topicals work above the skin to reduce or normalize the excessive cell production that leads to the appearance of psoriasis on the skin. They also reduce the inflammation of the skin.

Biologic Treatments
Biologic treatments work within the body by targeting specific parts of the immune system.
Oral Treatments
Oral systemic treatments work within the body, impacting the entire or specific parts of the immune system.
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National Psoriasis Foundation is solely responsible for all content and development.
George C. Gondo, Samantha Koons, Claire Metcalf, Stacie J. Bell, Nehal N. Mehta, VIEWING PSORIASIS AS A SYSTEMIC DISEASE FOR BETTER HEALTH OUTCOMES, JID Innovations, 2021, 100007, ISSN 2667-0267, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.xjidi.2021.100007.