FAQ - Health Care Provider Directory

Get insight on the most commonly asked questions about the NPF Health Care Provider Directory. Learn how to best use this important resource to promote your practice to the psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis community.

How do I list my practice in the Health Care Provider Directory?

Here's how to register for free for the NPF Health Care Provider Directory:

  1. Go to the new registration page.
  2. Fill out the required information and select a secure password to protect your data.
  3. Click the Save Changes button.
  4. Follow the brief instructions in the email to verify ownership of the account.

An NPF staff member will review your submission within 48 business hours. Once approved, your practice will appear on the Health Care Provider Directory. If you have any questions, please contact us.

How do I update my practice listing?

Any health care provider listed on our website can gain access to a login account in order to manage their data. We highly recommend that you review your information listed on the NPF Health Care Provider Directory to make sure the information listed is current.

If you know your login information:

  1. Go to the login page.
  2. Enter your credentials and click the Log In button.
  3. Make any changes to your account information and click the Save Changes button.

If you don’t know your login information:

If your practice(s) was previously registered on the NPF website, it may already be listed on the new site. If you don't see your practice and have previously registered, please contact us.

I forgot my password to login to the directory. How do I reset it?

If you’re forgotten your password, or you simply want a new one, go to the reset password page.

How do I register multiple practice locations?

If you have more than one practice location, you will need to register multiple times using a different email address for each location. Follow the steps above and be sure to use a different email address for each location.

Why do I need a different email for each login for a different practice location?

For security reasons, our directory is set-up to match each unique email to a unique practice location.

How do I remove my practice from the Health Care Provider Directory?

If you need to remove your practice from our website, please contact us and submit your name, practice name, email address, practice address, and phone number in case we have questions.

What if I see another colleague from my practice listed, but I’m not there?

Our directory is organized by health care provider, not practice location, so patients can find an individual provider who best meets their needs. To list yourself, go to the new registration page.

Is there a way to indicate whom I’m in practice with?

Unfortunately, there is no way to list who you are in practice with. Patients can search for a practice location, however, to find multiple health care providers at the same location.

My credentials stating that I’m a part of the President’s Council, a Professional Member or part of CorEvitas are missing. What can I do?

Please contact us if you notice an issue with your membership listings on the directory.

How do I join the President’s Council, become a Professional Member or serve as a CorEvitas site?

Join the President's Council or become a Professional Member to access exclusive benefits to support your patients and your practice.

The CorEvitas Registry is still accepting a limited number of sites for dermatologists who treat patients with moderate to severe psoriasis with systemic treatments. Please contact CorEvitas if you are interested.

Still Have Questions?

Contact us with any questions about your listing in the Health Care Provider Directory.

Contact us

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