Grants FAQs

See below for frequently asked questions for both applicants and current grantees. Review the available funding opportunities for specific eligibility information, application deadlines, and descriptions for each grant.

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Information for Applicants

What research does NPF fund?

For a list of active award profiles, please visit the NPF Funded Research Profile page.

Am I eligible to apply for an NPF research grant or trainee opportunity?

Eligibility requirements differ slightly for each grant mechanism. Please read the eligibility requirements for each NPF research grant on their individual RFA on the Available Funding Opportunities page.

If I have a current award, may I submit a request for additional funding or award renewals?

If you seek continuing funding for an existing award, you must submit a new proposal in the next review cycle. This proposal will be evaluated by the same criteria as all other proposals in the same review cycle.

Your current award must expire before any new award funds can be dispersed within a given program. This includes awards in No Cost Extension. Thus, you may not overlap two awards in a single program, but it is permissible to have two concurrent awards in separate programs (e.g., having concurrent awards through Discovery Grant and Translational Research Grant is possible, while having two concurrent Discovery Grant awards is not.)

You may apply for a new award before the current award expires. However, funding will not be initiated on any new award until the active funding or award period has concluded.

Where do I find application instructions?

A link to application instructions can be found on the Available Funding Opportunities pages. Application instructions are also within the grant application, found on the ‘Program Guidelines and Templates’ page of each application.

Where do I find the application?

A direct link to each application can be found hosted on the Available Funding Opportunities pages. NPF funding opportunities are also searchable on ProposalCentral. Please navigate to the ‘Grant Opportunities’ tab within the ProposalCentral application log in, where you can ‘Filter by Grant Maker’ to the National Psoriasis Foundation.

What are the important dates and deadlines for the NPF research grants and trainee opportunities?

You can find the specifics dates for each NPF research grant on their individual page for the available funding opportunities.

Does my budget proposal need to follow a specific format?

Budget proposals will be submitted via a webpage within the application form and follow the NIH-style format. Please refer to the application forms at ProposalCentral for further instructions.

Applications to National Psoriasis Foundation funding opportunities must require budgeting for attendance at the bi-annual NPF Research Symposium (2025, 2027). Registration for NPF-funded awardees will be waived, but awardees will be expected to stay in the on-site NPF room block. If an applicant does not include this information, the application will be unsubmitted and revision will be requested within 72 hours.

Are applicants required to budget for any additional expenses?

Applications to National Psoriasis Foundation funding opportunities must require budgeting for attendance at the bi-annual NPF Research Symposium (2025, 2027). Registration for NPF funded awardees will be waived, but awardees will be expected to stay in the on-site NPF room block. If an applicant does not include this information, the application will be unsubmitted and revision will be requested within 72 hours. Funds not utilized for the allotted travel purposes must be reimbursed to the National Psoriasis Foundation.

Awardees should anticipate two nights accommodation, airfare, ground transportation, and meal expenses. A recommendation is made that investigators budget $1,500 - $2,000, depending on distance traveled. Awardees may utilize the U.S. General Services Administration per diem list to anticipate costs: Per Diem Rates | GSA.

Can for-profit companies apply for NPF grants?​

Yes, for-profit companies are eligible to apply for NPF research grants.

Can I apply to a grant/fellowship opportunity if I have not received my IRB or IACUC approval?

Yes, however IRB or IACUC approval should be initiated prior to date of award as to not delay your project start date.

Can I apply for your grants if I am not a citizen of the United States?

Yes, non-US citizens are eligible to apply for NPF research grants. Research can take place at institutions outside the United States for all of our grants.

My proposal was declined. Can I resubmit?

The NPF maintains a strong Scientific Review Committee that assesses the scientific merit of each proposal. The NPF must rely on the advice of its SRC and will not fund proposals that have not been recommended for funding by the SRC.

Resubmission of the proposal in the next review cycle is permissible. Applicants choosing to resubmit should address responses to prior reviewer critiques (if any) and a description of any difference between the original submission and the resubmission in the cover letter.

While there is no limit to the number of resubmissions possible, applicants are advised to exercise restraint when considering submitting the same proposal over multiple years.

Can I apply to two NPF research grants this year?

The same PI may only apply to one NPF Research Traditional Grant mechanism per cycle. This excludes Psoriatic Disease Research Fellowships, in which an applicant to another granting mechanism can also apply as a mentor/supervisor on, and Bridge Grants.

Why is my file not uploading in the application form?

The online application form only accepts files in PDF format, so make sure all your files are saved as a PDF before uploading. If you are trying to upload your project proposal, it must be less than 20 MB and be in PDF format. If you are trying to upload any other document, it must be less than 5 MB and be in PDF format.

If you wish to submit multiple documents for a single field (e.g. multiple letters of support) you must combine these documents into a single PDF for upload.

If your file is larger than the maximum size accepted, you must condense the file before uploading. If you continue to experience issues, please notify with your issue.

What costs are allowed or disallowed?

The budget must be prepared in U.S. dollars. The NPF does not allow budgeting for administrative overhead or indirect costs. NPF does not allow costs associated with alterations or renovations.

Salary and benefits may be requested for the principal investigator and other key personnel. The NPF restricts the amount of direct salary paid to an individual using the current National Institutes of Health salary cap of $212,100. For more information, consult the NIH guidance on salary limitation for grants and cooperative agreements. The principal investigator may request no more than 30% salary support.

Requests for supplies should be divided into major categories (e.g., chemicals, plasticware, cell biology reagents, etc.) and use the NIH supply budget format. If animals are used in the project, please include unit cost per animal and costs for animal care. Dues, subscriptions, and books are not allowed.

NPF does not fund the purchase of major items of capital equipment. Equipment valued at less than $2500 is allowable and must be itemized in the budget.

Contractual services and their cost must be specified in the budget and clearly justified in the budget justification.

Travel costs must be directly related to the project and the dissemination of the results of the project. The purpose and destination of the travel must be indicated in the budget justification. For each grant mechanism, travel costs are capped at $3000 per grant year.

What font type should I use on the grant application?

Please use font size 12 in Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri.

Can my application be submitted by a coordinator or support staff member?

While the application needs to be submitted via the PIs professional profile, you may provide access permissions to others on the ‘Enable Other Users to Access this Proposal’ page of the application. Please note, electronic signature of the PI is required prior to submission.

I am applying for a fellowship but have not yet appointed a fellow to the lab. What can I do?

If a fellow has not yet been appointed, the application may be submitted by the mentor, with provision of selected fellow information prior to Board of Directors funding approval. The award PI will be switched to the fellow upon award.

Does my application require an electronic signature?

Yes, applications require the electronic signature of the Primary Investigator prior to submission. No other signature information is required for upload.

What institutional contact information is required along with my application?

Applications collect the contact information of an Institutional Signing Official, Financial Officer, Sponsored Program Office Contact, and Institutional Marketing Contact. Should the contact already have a ProposalCentral account, this contact information will be pre-populated upon submission of email information. Please be sure this information is up to date. Institutional Contact information is utilized during the contracting and award period, so please ensure accuracy in submission.

When will I find out if my award has been approved for funding?

Applicants will be notified of funding outcome on or before June 30th of the application year. Fellowship applicants will be notified on or before May 15th of the application year. Bridge Grants will receive notification on a rolling timeline.

What are the reasons a proposal might be declined before review (administrative decline)?

If a proposal is received past the deadline, it will be declined before review. If a proposal fails to adhere to submission guidelines, including page limitations or word counts, it will be administratively denied prior to review. If the applicant is ineligible, the application will be declined before review. Note: The NPF provides applicants with a 72-hour revision period upon administrative submission errors.

NPF may decline to review proposals received from previously funded investigators or institutions that have failed to submit final financial or progress reports on previous awards, been in breach of a contractual obligation, or if the research team’s record of managing past and current awards demonstrates issues that must be addressed prior to a subsequent award.

What are the application success rates?

View the Research Program Success Rates to see the percentage of proposals funded broken down by the funding mechanism.

Information for Current Grantees

I have received an NPF funding award. What now?

Congratulations! Pre-award deliverables and contract information will be facilitated through your ProposalCentral award profile. To access your award, please navigate to the ‘Awards’ tab of your ProposalCentral profile where you will find your new NPF funding award. Pre-award deliverables, and contract facilitation, can be accessed and submitted via the ‘Deliverables’ tab of the award profile.

I have received an NPF funding award. How do I access my award contract?

Congratulations! Contract information will be facilitated through your ProposalCentral award profile. To access your award, please navigate to the ‘Awards’ tab of your ProposalCentral profile, where you will find your new NPF funding award. Contract information can be accessed on the ‘Deliverables’ tab of the award profile, by scrolling down to the ‘Agreements’ section of the award. Note: for an award to be recognized as final for payment release, a fully executed contract must be uploaded to the award profile.

How can I make changes to my awarded research proposal or budget?

Please reach out to to request a Budget Change Request modification deliverable be added to your award profile. Please note that the rationale must be included with the budget modification request.

What needs to be included in my Interim Progress Report?

Interim Progress Reports are uploaded through Proposal Central and must include the following:

• Non-confidential, Layman’s summary statement of progress

• Patient Impact Statement

• Uploaded Scientific Report addressing progress towards benchmarks and milestones, progress report, adverse effects or deviations, and discussion of next steps. NPF recommended template.

What needs to be included in my Final Progress Report?

Final Progress Reports are uploaded through Proposal Central and must include the following:

• Non-confidential, Layman’s summary statement of progress

• Patient Impact Statement

• Awards or honors

• Conference Presentations

• Subsequent or Follow-On Funding

• Publications or Citations

• Invention, Intellectual Property, and Licensure disclosure

• Uploaded Scientific Report addressing progress towards benchmarks and milestones, progress report, adverse effects or deviations, findings, and discussion of next steps. NPF recommended template.

Does my expenditure report need to follow a specific format?

Expenditure reports will be uploaded through the grant submission portal, Proposal Central. Awardees will receive a reminder email one month before reports are due. To log into your Proposal Central account, please visit:

Help! I have received a greater than 10% variance error when submitting my expenditure report. What now?

Please reach out to to request a Budget Change Request modification deliverable be added to your award profile. Please note that the rationale must be included with the budget modification request.

Is it possible to extend the project period?

It may be possible to be granted a no cost extension to the project period if the grantee will have a remaining unexpended balance and a circumstance arises that prohibits the completion of the project by the expiration date. No cost extension requests must be submitted via the Proposal Central award profile and request Original Project Termination Date, Requested Project Termination Date, Amount of Unexpended Balance, Sufficient Detail substantiating a need for a NCE.

Please note, per the NPF contractual agreements, only one NCE can be approved per award period, with no more than a 12-month extension. NCEs must be submitted 30-days prior to the end of the award term.

If you are interested in submitting a NCE request, please contact for the deliverable to be added to your award profile.

What kind of follow up can I expect from NPF during and after my grant period?

During the project period, NPF research staff will contact you via videoconference and email for project updates. You may also be contacted for site visits, interviews, or other activities related to research communications, donor relations, advertising, and media events. Following the project period, NPF requests that you provide updates via ProposalCentral at 1, 3, and 5 years after completion of the award.

Still Have Questions?

If you have further questions, please email

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