For Teens: Managing Your Overall Health

This is your place.

Welcome to Our Spot! We’ll try to answer your questions about psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis (together called psoriatic disease) and how they may impact your life.

Four teens walking with their arms around each other and smiling.


How we think about ourselves shapes the way we interact with the world. This is why having positive self-esteem is so important. When you have psoriatic disease, it’s natural to feel anxious, angry and depressed, even though you have nothing to be ashamed of.

Icon illustration of a megaphone.

Retrain your inner voice. 

When you catch yourself thinking negatively, try to change that habit. Don’t say anything to yourself that you wouldn’t say to someone else. Take time throughout your day to stop and check how you are talking to yourself.

Icon illustration of a thought bubble.

Focus on the good. 

There will always be some degree of bad in our lives, but if you make that your focus, you won’t see all the things that are good. Write down a few things each day that are positive. Look back on what you wrote for encouragement on tough days.

Icon illustration of a heart.

Remember, you are still you.

Psoriatic disease can be tough, but it’s not you. People who have psoriasis and psoriatic disease lead positive and productive lives. They may even be better at dealing with stress and change because of their coping skills.

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