NPF-Funded Research

Depression and Anxiety in Psoriasis: Mechanisms of Action

Mona Stahle, M.D.

Principal Investigator: Mona Stahle, M.D.
Karolinska Institutet

Grant Mechanism: More Than Skin Deep: Mental Health Grant
Funding Amount: $100,000
Project Start Date: August 1, 2022
Project End Date: August 1, 2023
Status: Concluded
Keywords: Psoriasis, Comorbidity, Mental Health, Biomarkers

Project Summary:

The association between psoriasis and depression has been recognized and reported for several years. The underlying biology however remains unclear. Is it the burden and stigmatization of psoriasis that results in mood disorder or are additional yet unknown factors at play. The overall aim of our project is to open up a new biological approach in studying depression in patients with severe psoriasis following their symptoms over time while exploring inflammatory profiles and pathways. We realize that this may only be the first steps in this direction but may hopefully lead to more insight into mechanisms and help improve therapy.


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Researcher Profile:

Dr. Mona Stahle's research is part of the Karolinska Psoriasis Center which is the clinical base for treatment of psoriasis patients who need systemic treatments to control their disease. The psoriasis team includes clinicians, senior scientists, post-docs, graduate students, and nurses. Several team members share their time between the laboratory and the clinic which enables a truly translational approach.

This More than Skin Deep: Mental Health Grant was made possible by contributions from the Fairfield County’s Community Foundation Fred and Joan Weisman Fund and the Thomas Andrew Speaker Memorial Fund.

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