Corporate Member Monthly Updates

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Please find recent Monthly Updates and sponsorship proposal attachments by month below. Contact to participate.

What's New at NPF?

This Month's Update

October 2021

National Psoriasis Foundation Corporate Updates

October 2021

 Greetings from NPF!

2021 WPD Kit

2022 Founders Week Social Media Kit

Past Monthly Updates:

September 2021

National Psoriasis Foundation Corporate Updates

September 2021

 Greetings from NPF!

Last month, NPF celebrated Psoriasis Action Month. The goal of this month‐long campaign is to help individuals gain the information, resources, and understanding of treatment options needed to thrive with psoriasis. This year’s theme was “all of us,” meaning that psoriasis impacts the entire body systemically, as well as impacting all populations. This year, NPF saw a 188% increase to the Action Month landing page versus 2020. Thank you for your help spreading awareness of Psoriasis Action Month!

Last month, we also hosted our 2021 Corporate Roundtable virtually. The event kicked off with opening remarks and a look back at 2020 from our President & CEO, Randy Beranek, with an introduction to our new VP of Government Relations and Advocacy, Justin Beland, as well as two patient interviews. If you were unable to attend, the event recording will be available until mid-October, here.

NPF produced 6 new media pieces, including an educational Psound Bytes™ episode covering the Latest Trends in Psoriatic Arthritis and a webinar Q & A About Scalp Psoriasis. Thank you for sharing any episodes that interest you.

On Aug 24th, NPF announced a new partnership with Kopa™ for Psoriasis, from Happify, a patient‐centric health platform available in the App Store, Google Play, and on the web. We’re excited to partner with this new platform to offer patients an online community that provides useful app tools like a Stress Tracker and Symptom Tracker. We look forward to future innovations Happify will bring to their Kopa™ platform.

2022 Planning – Have we met with your team yet?

As we close out Q3 2021, let’s set aside some time to plan for 2022. Over the next few weeks, let’s find 45 – 60 mins to review how NPF can help with your 2022 priorities, new product launches, etc. Let’s meet soon to review 2021 sponsorships and find something new for 2022!

Off to the races! 2021 Team NPF

With the latest updates to vaccine eligibility, we are seeing more opportunities to return to in-person events, though Virtual participation will remain available for Cycle and Run events. Please find the latest Calendar of Events attached for updates on Team NPF locations and dates.

THANK YOU to the following companies that have stepped up to support Team NPF events, Virtual and Live, so far in 2021:

  • Novartis - $22,533
  • Janssen - $16,725
  • LEO - $5,529
  • AbbVie - $3,634
  • BMS - $900
  • Lilly - $900

How you and your company can support Team NPF in 2021:

  • Sponsor NPF’s virtual and live events!  NPF promotes our sponsors at live events and on live streams as well as on the website, email, social media. It is a great way to support our community and share what you are doing to help with your consumers.
  • Employee participation virtually or in-person as a Company Team or Individual. It is a great way to improve relationships, build bridges and communication strategies across departments in this virtual setting. It also improves morale and engagement while supporting this important mission.

All team and participant funds raised for Walk, Cycle and Run events as well as donations made at Pstamp Out events and matching gifts count towards the 2021 Top Industry Award! We look forward to presenting these awards as soon as we can gather and celebrate.

August 2021

National Psoriasis Foundation Corporate Updates

August 2021

Greetings from NPF!

Last month, NPF produced 12 new Advance Online articles, including 7 patient profiles in a “Getting to Know” series NPF is highlighting this Psoriasis Action Month. This year’s theme is, “All of Us”. The National Psoriasis Foundation is educating the community about how psoriasis is not a skin disease but a systemic one, which means it affects your whole body and impacts all populations. NPF will also be celebrating the diversity and inclusivity of our vibrant community.

 NPF produced 4 new media pieces, including an educational Psound Bytes™ episode about Gut Health, Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis. As of mid-July, Psound Bytes™ had received over 123,165 listens across 136 episodes since launching in January 2019.We encourage you to listen and share episodes that interest you.

Last month, Arizona step therapy reform was signed into law! This effort was two years in the making due to the COVID‐19 pandemic shutting down the legislature in 2020. Read more here.

2021 Corporate Roundtable

The annual Corporate Roundtable will be held this Wednesday, Aug 18th , from 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm. This event will be conducted virtually again this year. The Roundtable will feature a discussion of NPF’s advocacy work with our new VP of Government Relations and Advocacy. You’ll also hear the patient perspective on living with psoriatic disease during the pandemic. Plus, an overview of the NPF’s priorities for the next 12 months.

Please be sure to share the invite sent earlier this month with anyone in your organization who would like to attend.

2021 Research Symposium – Sept 10th – Opportunities Now Available

Our bi-annual Research Symposium will be held at the Kimpton Hotel Eventi in NYC on Sept 10th, as an in-person event. If you are attending the Commit to Cure Gala in NYC on Sept 9th, why not make a weekend out of it?

The 2021 Research Symposium will engage attendees through live and virtual interactive plenary, poster and breakout small group sessions as well as have the opportunity for questions and answers and networking with colleagues. Topics of focus will include:

  •  Improvement of Health Outcomes
  • Disparities in Care
  • Mental Health and its impact on disease
  • Addressing comorbidities for overall wellness
  • Advances in diagnosis, prevention, and treatment
  • AAD-NPF PsO guidelines
  • NPF-ACR PsA guidelines
  • NPF COVID-19 Task Force guidelines

Registrations now Open! Sponsorship Opportunities attached!

Resident’s Meeting – Oct 9 & 10 – Opportunities still available!

Our annual Resident’s Meeting will take place at the Sahara Hotel in Las Vegas, October 9th & 10th. Sponsorship opportunities have been updated to maximize exposure to meeting attendees. New for this year is the expanded Product Theater offering. The venue allows for 3 breakout sessions during lunch (30-minute presentations).  Please find the revised available sponsorship opportunities for this event in the attached PDF. This event is being planned as in-person.

See, 2021 Resident’s Meeting’ PDF attachment for more details

Off to the races! 2021 Team NPF

With the latest updates to vaccine eligibility, we are seeing more opportunities to return to in-person events, though Virtual participation will remain available for Cycle and Run events. Please find the latest Calendar of Events attached for updates on Team NPF locations and dates.

THANK YOU to the following companies that have stepped up to support Team NPF events, Virtual and Live, so far in 2021:

  • Novartis - $22,188.00
  • Janssen - $10,845
  • LEO - $5,330
  • AbbVie - $3,634.00
  • BMS - $800.00
  • Lilly - $900

How you and your company can support Team NPF in 2021:

  • Sponsor NPF’s virtual and live events! NPF promotes our sponsors at live events and on live streams as well as on the website, email, social media. It is a great way to support our community and share what you are doing to help with your consumers.
  • Employee participation virtually or in-person as a Company Team or Individual. It is a great way to improve relationships, build bridges and communication strategies across departments in this virtual setting. It also improves morale and engagement while supporting this important mission.

All team and participant funds raised for Walk, Cycle and Run events as well as donations made at Pstamp Out events and matching gifts count towards the 2021 Top Industry Award! We look forward to presenting these awards as soon as we can gather and celebrate.

July 2021

National Psoriasis Foundation Corporate Updates

July 2021

Greetings from NPF!

Last month, NPF produced 6 new Advance Online articles, including content around Smoking and Psoriasis and Women with Ink, our latest content on psoriasis and tattoos. NPF produced 7 new media pieces, including an educational Psound Bytes™ episode about Hard to Treat Psoriasis and a fascinating discussion with a podiatrist about Feet and Psoriatic Disease. We encourage you to check out and share our latest content on

NPF is proud to announce, after 5 years in the making, Governor Kate Brown signed step therapy reform (HB 2517) into law for Oregon in June. Last month, Connecticut became the next State to pass a copay accumulator ban. The Safe Step Act continues to gather new cosponsors in the 117th Congress, now up to 25 senators co-sponsoring.

Tribute Ad artwork for the Commit to Cure Gala due by Aug 6th Be sure to send your artwork to Wade by the due date. Feel free to reach out with any questions about artwork requirements and/or specs.

2021 Research Symposium – Sept 10th – Opportunities Now Available

Our bi-annual Research Symposium will be held at the Kimpton Hotel Eventi in NYC on Sept 10th, as an in-person event. If you are attending the Commit to Cure Gala in NYC on Sept 9th, why not make a weekend out of it?

The 2021 Research Symposium will engage attendees through live and virtual interactive plenary, poster and breakout small group sessions as well as have the opportunity for questions and answers and networking with colleagues. Topics of focus will include:

  • Improvement of Health Outcomes
  • Disparities in Care
  • Mental Health and its impact on disease
  • Addressing comorbidities for overall wellness
  • Advances in diagnosis, prevention, and treatment
  • AAD-NPF PsO guidelines
  • NPF-ACR PsA guidelines
  • NPF COVID-19 Task Force guidelines

Registrations now Open! Sponsorship Opportunities attached!

2021 Corporate Roundtable

The annual Corporate Roundtable will be announced soon. This event will be conducted virtually again this year. The Roundtable will feature a discussion of NPF’s advocacy work with our new VP of Government Relations and Advocacy. You’ll also hear the patient perspective on living with psoriatic disease during the pandemic. Plus, an overview of the NPF’s priorities for the next 12 months.

Be on the lookout for an invite soon!

August is Psoriasis Action Month!

This August, the theme for Psoriasis Action Month is ‘All of Us’. The National Psoriasis Foundation will be educating the community about how psoriasis is not a skin disease but a systemic one, which means it affects your whole body and impacts all populations. NPF will also be celebrating the diversity and inclusivity of our vibrant community.

Attached, please find a Social Media Kit (PDF and images) to help your identify content you would like to share and help spread awareness during Psoriasis Action Month.

Resident’s Meeting – Oct 9 & 10 – Opportunities still available!

Our annual Resident’s Meeting will take place at the Sahara Hotel in Las Vegas, October 9th & 10th. Sponsorship opportunities have been updated to maximize exposure to meeting attendees. New for this year is the expanded Product Theater offering. The venue allows for 3 breakout sessions during lunch (30-minute presentations).  Please find the revised available sponsorship opportunities for this event in the attached PDF. This event is being planned as in-person.

See, ‘2021 Resident’s Meeting’ PDF attachment for more details


Off to the races! 2021 Team NPF

With the latest updates to vaccine eligibility, we are seeing more opportunities to return to in-person events, though Virtual participation will remain available for Cycle and Run events. Please find the latest Calendar of Events attached for updates on Team NPF locations and dates.

THANK YOU to the following companies that have stepped up to support Team NPF events, Virtual and Live, so far in 2021:

  • Novartis - $21,628.00
  • Janssen - $6,870.50
  • LEO - $4,645.00
  • AbbVie - $3,634.00
  • BMS - $800.00
  • Lilly - $450

How you and your company can support Team NPF in 2021:

  • Sponsor NPF’s virtual and live events!  NPF promotes our sponsors at live events and on live streams as well as on the website, email, social media. It is a great way to support our community and share what you are doing to help with your consumers.
  • Employee participation virtually or in-person as a Company Team or Individual. It is a great way to improve relationships, build bridges and communication strategies across departments in this virtual setting. It also improves morale and engagement while supporting this important mission.

All team and participant funds raised for Walk, Cycle and Run events as well as donations made at Pstamp Out events and matching gifts count towards the 2021 Top Industry Award! We look forward to presenting these awards as soon as we can gather and celebrate.

June 2021

National Psoriasis Foundation Corporate Updates

June 2021

 Greetings from NPF!

Last month, NPF produced 4 new Advance Online articles adding content for PsA Action Month like The Mental Toll of PsA Pain. NPF produced 7 new media pieces, including an educational Psound Bytes™ episode about Diagnosing Psoriatic Arthritis and a COVID-19 Town Hall. We encourage you to check out and share our latest content on

NPF introduced its first Psoriatic Disease Education Program for Payers, last month. This program was developed in response to feedback from NPF Annual Payer Roundtables and aims to provide insurers with information to guide their decision making around treatment and formularies. The program was led by NPF Medical Board Vice‐Chair, Dr. Kristina Callis‐Duffin. NPF exhibited at both the Society for Investigative Dermatology Annual Meeting and the Global Spondyloarthritis Summit.

Resident’s Meeting – Oct 9 & 10 – Updated Opportunities!

Our annual Resident’s Meeting has been scheduled to be held at the Sahara Hotel in Las Vegas, October 9th & 10th. Sponsorship opportunities have been updated to align with venue offerings, like the revised Product Theater opportunity. Instead of 3, 15min presentations from one sponsor, the venue allows for 3 breakout sessions during lunch with 30min presentations available.  Please find the revised available sponsorship opportunities for this event in the attached PDF. This event is being planned as in-person first, with virtual participation through an Event Resources Webpage. We would love to see you there!

See, ‘2021 Resident’s Meeting’ PDF attachment for more details

2021 Research Symposium – Sept 10th – Venue reserved!

Plans for our bi-annual Research Symposium are coming together. We have reserved space at the Kimpton Hotel Event in NYC on Sept 10th. If you are attending the Commit to Cure Gala in NYC on Sept 9th, why not make a weekend out of it? We will start sending grant submissions to help support this event as well as put together event sponsorship opportunities, like Exhibiting and/or hosting research presentation videos/white papers, etc., later this month.

The 2021 Research Symposium will engage attendees through live and virtual interactive plenary, poster and breakout small group sessions as well as have the opportunity for questions and answers and networking with colleagues. Topics of focus will include:

  • Improvement of Health Outcomes
  • Disparities in Care
  • Mental Health and its impact on disease
  • Addressing comorbidities for overall wellness
  • Advances in diagnosis, prevention, and treatment
  • AAD-NPF PsO guidelines
  • NPF-ACR PsA guidelines
  • NPF COVID-19 Task Force guidelines

Registrations now Open! Sponsorship Opportunities coming soon!

Off to the races! 2021 Team NPF

With the latest updates to vaccine eligibility, we are seeing more opportunities to return to in-person events, though Virtual participation will remain available for Cycle and Run events. We’re starting to see the increased in-person participation as well, with an attendance high this year for Dallas Pstamp Out. Please find the latest Calendar of Events attached for updates on Team NPF locations and dates.

THANK YOU to the following companies that have stepped up to support Team NPF events, Virtual and Live, so far in 2021:

  • Novartis - $20,628.00
  • Janssen - $3,586.00
  • AbbVie - $3,359.00
  • LEO - $4,616.00
  • BMS - $800.00
  • Lilly - $200

How you and your company can support Team NPF in 2021:

  • Sponsor NPF’s virtual and live events!  NPF promotes our sponsors at live events and on live streams as well as on the website, email, social media. It is a great way to show your support with our community and share what you are doing to help with your consumers.
  • Employee participation virtually or in-person as a Company Team or Individual. It is a great way to improve relationships, build bridges and effective communication across departments in this virtual setting. It also improves morale and engagement while supporting this important mission.

All team and participant funds raised for Walk, Cycle and Run events as well as donations made at Pstamp Out events and matching gifts counted towards the 2021 Top Industry Award! We look forward to presenting these awards as soon as we can gather and celebrate.

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The National Psoriasis Foundation is a qualified 501(c)(3) EIN 93-0571472.

Duplication, rebroadcast, republication, or other use of content appearing on this website is prohibited without written permission of the National Psoriasis Foundation (NPF).

NPF does not endorse or accept any responsibility for the content of external websites.

NPF does not endorse any specific treatments or medications for psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis.

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